Friday, September 01, 2006

slow day...

There's something wrong with a person when they sit in a computer lab and, looking at the screen savers, which all say the exact same thing, figures out that none are the same speed, and more, which are faster/slower than the others. Today we're supposed to get 4-6 inches of rain from Ernesto the Tropical Storm, and everyone thinks I'm crazy because I like rain and I don't think it a nasty, dreary day. There's just something refreshing about cold rain, the way it just pours, that's really nice. And then the grass gets all green again, and (even though it's August) the flowers get bloomy and nice, and more butterflies visit the butterfly bush in front of the Commons. So one's opinion of rain all depends on their point of view. That's my two cents for today.


the Mariner said...

hey! glad to hear you're alive. we got tons of rain down here. dark and rainy all day! the best part was walking back from dinner in the rain and splashing in the puddles! (just like gene kelly!)
luv ya!

Sam said...

hewwo! oy, sorry it took me so long to comment. anywho!
how's school going now? you should be full-blown into the swing of things, if I'm rememb'ring your schedule right. though, knowing you, you're probably enjoying every second of it! *wants to stone her classes*
so yeah... tty later, have fun, love and think SEA CUCUMBERS! (waving little american flags)