Thursday, November 02, 2006
it's been a while . . .
. . . and a lot has happened since then. I'm currently writing a Scripture exegesis paper thing for Theology 201, and I mean currently! As in I finished the third draft (it's now down to 9 pages double-spaced from 14), and I'm waiting for the writing center person to be free so I can run it past him. It's due tomorrow at 1 p.m., but I may have to beg an extension until 3 or 5. Hopefully not! If I take my laptop to classes, I can multi-task and both take notes and finish the paper, except during history, he has a ban against computers. I don't mind, it's truely easier to take notes by hand, but sometimes I have to cave in and bring the computer. But good news, I don't work on Friday anymore! It's so nice being free then. Saturday I work, and hopefully I can get into town to get the supplies to make a tea ring for Saturday night. (My birthday-not telling my age!-is on Monday, so I wanted to have a 'tea party'. As in go to Liz's house and watch movies-and maybe break curfew. But I think not.) Then Sunday is Mass, practice for Palestrina Chorus, a visiting piano-forte player, and St. Cecilia's Night! The next week is semi-free, except for a Theology quiz and a PoliSci test. But my room is clean, the paper's almost done, last weekend was a blast (Medieval Fest and I wore the dress I made over Fall Break-I actually looked somewhat good in the pictures!-and I got two dances), and Wednesday will be registration for next semester! Life is good.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
pix of me and friends!

yep, it's over-exposed, but it's the first group photo: Moi, my roommate Monica, Andrea, Liz, and Monica.

Monica and Monica, having soda fun at homecoming last year. Apparantly (I left early) they were having too much fun!

Andrea and Monica - more soda fun!

Christmas Formal - Liz, Emily, Andrea, Monica, Me, Monica (my roommate)
Mon is so pretty in that dress! Her hair and her classical features made her look like one of those beautiful greek statues you see. Dan (Emily's boyfriend) was taking the picture, so he's not in the picture.

Liz and Mon toasting

Andrea and Monica as Wineo's!! At formal, each table had a bottle of white and a bottle of red wine, so we had a bit of fun before drinking.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
aahh, history papers
(that's a scream, not a sigh in the title)
Yes, I received my history paper back today, and I'm ready to kill myself (but the teacher first). I've always written really bad papers, and this time because I had an English paper due the day before, I despaired of them both and wrote sarcastically. And his response?
"When you write in your own voice and, as it were, conversationally, you express yourself clearly and well (if too informally for this kind of argument). I, therefore, conclude that you have the potential to be a fine writer. I appreciate the plea in the initial lines, but can only respond that such is indeed the student's lot. C minus."
AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGG!!!!! oh, the pain. But there's hope, tomorrow I get my English paper back. Unfortunately, I will also receive my PoliSci test. And take two Greek quizzes, because I missed one last week. Grr. Oh, well. To quote my 'eminent' history professor, "such is indeed the student's lot. G sharp." Whatever.
N.B. In one of my former posts, I recited the Greek alphabet from memory, but I got it wrong. It should be: theta, iota, kappa, lambda,..., upsilon, phi, chi, psi, omega! So there, Sarah! hehe :P And we learned the first declension feminine, and the first conjugation. Blech, but interesting to see the parallels between Latin and Greek. Anyway, I'm off to lunch. More later!
Yes, I received my history paper back today, and I'm ready to kill myself (but the teacher first). I've always written really bad papers, and this time because I had an English paper due the day before, I despaired of them both and wrote sarcastically. And his response?
"When you write in your own voice and, as it were, conversationally, you express yourself clearly and well (if too informally for this kind of argument). I, therefore, conclude that you have the potential to be a fine writer. I appreciate the plea in the initial lines, but can only respond that such is indeed the student's lot. C minus."
AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGG!!!!! oh, the pain. But there's hope, tomorrow I get my English paper back. Unfortunately, I will also receive my PoliSci test. And take two Greek quizzes, because I missed one last week. Grr. Oh, well. To quote my 'eminent' history professor, "such is indeed the student's lot. G sharp." Whatever.
N.B. In one of my former posts, I recited the Greek alphabet from memory, but I got it wrong. It should be: theta, iota, kappa, lambda,..., upsilon, phi, chi, psi, omega! So there, Sarah! hehe :P And we learned the first declension feminine, and the first conjugation. Blech, but interesting to see the parallels between Latin and Greek. Anyway, I'm off to lunch. More later!
Friday, September 01, 2006
slow day...
There's something wrong with a person when they sit in a computer lab and, looking at the screen savers, which all say the exact same thing, figures out that none are the same speed, and more, which are faster/slower than the others. Today we're supposed to get 4-6 inches of rain from Ernesto the Tropical Storm, and everyone thinks I'm crazy because I like rain and I don't think it a nasty, dreary day. There's just something refreshing about cold rain, the way it just pours, that's really nice. And then the grass gets all green again, and (even though it's August) the flowers get bloomy and nice, and more butterflies visit the butterfly bush in front of the Commons. So one's opinion of rain all depends on their point of view. That's my two cents for today.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
another quick moment before class
just five minutes before Greek... Got back from visiting the Carmelites, loved every second! I've got to straighten some things out, but I think I will apply there (or, as a friend said, 'Did they offer you the nun-ship?' hehe!). I think I'm actually going to drop Calculus, it's a bit too much stress. I can handle the information and physical stress, but the mental stress is just a bit too much. So, off to Greek, and the crazy accent marks (acute, grave, and circumflex, each with their own rules of where and when to be placed...)!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Back to School!
I'm back at school, loving it! (not that I don't love home, I just like learning. Philosophia.) A bit of a course load: Literature, Theology, Philosophy, History, Greek, and Political Science 201; with Music 101, Math 103 (Euclidian Geometry), and Math 201 (Calculus) audited. Then there's workstudy in the kitchen, choir and the special chorus (I made it in! I'm incredibly excited). And I'm going out west to visit a convent this weekend, because I think that's my vocation. Off to Greek now (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, eta, theta, lambda, mu, nu, xi, omicron, pi, rho, sigma, tau, upsilon, thi, chi, psi, omega! without out looking at notes), joy! more later.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Ok, so supposedly a blog is to keep people up-to-date with your life, not random things that you think. Whatever. So, what have I done lately...good question. Not much! Last Thursday we went up to Chicago to see the exhibit on King Tut, nothing special. If you like Ancient Egypt, you would have liked it. Me being not much of a history person it was just another exhibit with a million and one people, not much. On Saturday I washed the van, it's actually dark blue, not light blue! That night we watched 'Unbreakable', by that Indian guy who did 'Signs'. Pretty good, not as good as 'Signs', but definately added to my movie list (which is now about a mile long. OK, maybe nota mile, just 4 pages). Other than that, it's all spare parts (I'm an engineer's assistant for the summer), sleep, more spare parts, etc.... Maybe today I'll finish this manual of spare parts and move on to the next one... How soon can August 18 come????
Monday, July 10, 2006
First post - work
People are always like, you should get a blog, it's fun! So even though I'm technologically challanged, I decided to try this, since I always think alot, I might as well write thoughts down before they spin away into the dark recesses of my mind until the time (probably never) when I would need to say them.
First, I'll talk about work. What I think about work. Etc.
Work. It's a four letter word, but I like it. I like to work. Period. i like housework, yard work, school work, needle work, and music work. nearly everything, you see. I think mostly I like house work and school work, and needlework. Housework includes but is not limited to dishes, cleaning in general, ironing, and laundry. Why do I like these? Beats me. Just the way I'm made I guess.
I also like work work. Work work is defined as professional work by the ones who know, but I call it work work because it sounds funny. And anything that sounds funny is worth saying. But anyway, it's tedious, it's boring, it makes my eyes hurt, and I still love it. Whatever.
First, I'll talk about work. What I think about work. Etc.
Work. It's a four letter word, but I like it. I like to work. Period. i like housework, yard work, school work, needle work, and music work. nearly everything, you see. I think mostly I like house work and school work, and needlework. Housework includes but is not limited to dishes, cleaning in general, ironing, and laundry. Why do I like these? Beats me. Just the way I'm made I guess.
I also like work work. Work work is defined as professional work by the ones who know, but I call it work work because it sounds funny. And anything that sounds funny is worth saying. But anyway, it's tedious, it's boring, it makes my eyes hurt, and I still love it. Whatever.
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